id Order id Guid Guid of the order
orderNumber Order number Integer The number of the order
externalId External id String The external id of the order
externalEmployeeCode External employee code String The external employee code
studentExternalCompany Student external company String The company the student is working for
name Name String The name of the course
status Status Enum

The status of the order.

Allowed values: OrderStatus

purchaseOrderReference Purchase order reference (account) String The purchase order from the account
providerPurchaseOrderReference Purchase order reference provider String The purchase order for the provider
invoiceNumber Invoice number Integer The number of the invoice
costCentre Cost Center String The cost center number
orderType Order type Enum

The type of product ordered (e.g. course)

Allowed values: OrderType

productType Product type String The product type
productTypeDisplayValue Product type display value String Display value of the product type
principalId Principal ID String Used for identifying the student on the account side
accountReference Account reference Object The identifier for the account Account reference id Guid Identifier of the account
accountReference.url Account reference url String Url where account details can be found
accountName Account name String Name of the account
assortmentReference Assortment reference Object The identifier for the assortment Assortment reference id Guid Identifier of the assortment
assortmentReference.url Assortment reference url String Url where assortment details can be found
assortmentName Assortment name String Name of the assortment
providerReference Provider reference Object The identifier for the provider Provider reference id Guid Identifier of the provider
providerReference.url Provider reference url String Url where provider details can be found
providerName Provider name String Name of the provider
productReference Product reference Object The identifier for the product Product reference id Guid Identifier of the product
productReference.url Product reference url String Url where product details can be found
purchaseAgreementId Purchase Agreement Id Guid The identifier for the purchase agreement
purchaseAgreementType Purchase Agreement Type String The purchase agreement type
purchaseAgreementTypeDisplayValue Purchase Agreement Type display value String The purchase agreement type display value
educationalCareerReference Educational career reference Object The identifier for the educational career Educational career reference id Guid Identifier of the educational career
educationalCareerReference.url Educational career reference url String Url where educational career details can be found
educationalFulfillmentReference Educational fulfillment reference Object The identifier for the educational fulfillment Educational fulfillment reference id Guid Identifier of the educational fulfillment
educationalFulfillmentReference.url Educational fulfillment reference url String Url where educational fulfillment details can be found
learningMethodName Learning method name String Name of the learning method
learningMethodFormatDisplayValue Learning method format display value String Display value of the learning method
startMomentYear Startmoment year Integer Year of the startmoment
startMomentMonth Startmoment month Integer Month of the startmoment
startMomenthDay Startmoment day Integer Day of the startmoment
startMomentDate Startmoment date date time
Date of the startmoment
startMomentLocation Startmoment location String Location of the startmoment
startMomentStartGuaranteed Startmoment guaranteed Boolean Guaranteed startmoment indication
secondStartMomentYear Second startmoment year Integer Year of the second startmoment
secondStartMomentMonth Second startmoment month Integer Month of the second  startmoment
secondStartMomentDay Second startmoment day Integer Day of the second  startmoment
secondStartMomentDate Second startmoment date date time
Date of the second  startmoment
secondStartMomentLocation Second startmoment location String Location of the second  startmoment
acceptedStartMomentId Accepted startmoment id Guid Id of the accepted startmoment
acceptedStartMomentLocation Accepted startmoment location String Location of the accepted startmoment
acceptedStartMomentDate Accepted startmoment date date time
Date of the accepted startmoment
orderLines Order lines Object All n order lines for this order
orderLines.sequenceNumber Order lines sequence number Integer Sequence number
orderLines.costType Order lines cost type Enum

Cost type

Allowed values: CostType

orderLines.costTypeDisplayValue Order lines cost type display value Enum

Display value of the cost type

Allowed values: CostType

orderLines.quantity Order lines quantity Integer Quantity of the order line
orderLines.subtotalWithoutVAT Order lines subtotal without VAT Decimal Subtotal without VAT
orderLines.vatCountry Order lines VAT country String Country where VAT was applied
orderLines.vatPercentage Order lines VAT percentage Decimal VAT percentage
orderLines.discountPercentage Order lines discount percentage Decimal Discount percentage
orderLines.vatAmount Order lines VAT amount Decimal VAT amount
orderLines.discountAmount Order lines discount amount Decimal Discount amount Order lines total Decimal Total of the order line
orderLines.dateCreated Order lines date created date time (ISO_8601) Date when order line was created
orderLines.dateModified Order lines date modified date time (ISO_8601) Date when order line was last modified
orderLines.invoiceOnBehalfOf Order lines Invoice of behalf of Object Invoice of behalf of Order lines Invoice of behalf of id Guid ID from the legal company
orderLines.invoiceOnBehalfOf.merchantId Order lines Invoice of behalf of merchant id Guid ID of the merchant Order lines Invoice of behalf of name String Name of the legal company
orderLines.invoiceOnBehalfOf.vatNumber Order lines Invoice of behalf of VAT number String VAT number of the legal company
total Total  Decimal Total amount of the order
invoicedBy Invoiced by String Depicting who is invoicing the order
invoicedByDisplayValue Invoiced by display value String Display name of invoiced by
orderStatusTransitions Order status transitions Array All the transitions the order went through
orderStatusTransitions.orderId Order status transitions order id Guid ID of the order
orderStatusTransitions.orderType Order status transitions order type String Type of the order
orderStatusTransitions.dateCreated Order status transitions date created date time
Date status transition is created
orderStatusTransitions.status Order status transitions status Enum

Status transition of the order

Allowed values: OrderStatus

orderStatusTransitions.statusDisplayValue Order status transitions status display value Enum

Display value of the status transition

Allowed values: OrderStatus

orderStatusTransitions.message Order status transitions message String Message of the transition
orderStatusTransitions.cancellationReason Order status transitions cancellation reason Enum

Cancellation reason

Allowed values: CancellationReason

orderStatusTransitions.cancellationReasonDisplayValue Order status transitions cancellation reason display value Enum

Cancellation reason display value

Allowed values: CancellationReason

orderStatusTransitions.adminCancellationReason Order status transitions admin cancellation reason Enum

Cancellation reason from admin

Allowed values: AdminCancellationReason

orderStatusTransitions.adminCancellationReasonDisplayValue Order status transitions admin cancellation reason display value Enum

Cancellation reason from admin display value

Allowed values: AdminCancellationReason

orderStatusTransitions.providerCancellationReason Order status transitions provider cancellation reason Enum

Cancellation reason from provider

Allowed values: ProviderCancellationReason

orderStatusTransitions.providerCancellationReasonDisplayValue Order status transitions provider cancellation reason display value Enum

Cancellation reason from provider display value

Allowed values: ProviderCancellationReason

orderStatusTransitions.providerCancellationReasonWithCosts Order status transitions provider cancellation reason with costs Enum

Cancellation reason from provider with costs

Allowed values: ProviderCancellationReasonWithCosts

orderStatusTransitions.providerCancellationReasonWithCostsDisplayValue Order status transitions provider cancellation reason with costs display value Enum

Cancellation reason from provider with costs display value

Allowed values: ProviderCancellationReasonWithCosts

orderLineFees Order line fees Array Order line fees for providers
orderLineFees.sequenceNumber Order line fees sequence number Integer Sequence number of the order fees
orderLineFees.orderNumber Order lines fees order number Integer Order number for which the fee is calculated
orderLineFees.feeAmount Order line fees fee amount Decimal The amount of fee
orderLineFees.feePercentage Order line fees fee percentage Decimal The fee percentage
orderLineFees.feeStatus Order line fees fee status Enum

The fee status

Allowed values: OrderFeeStatus

orderLineFees.feeStatusDisplayValue Order line fees fee status display value Enum

The Dutch display value of the fee status

Allowed values: OrderFeeStatus

orderLineFees.costType Order line fees cost type Enum

The cost type where the fee is calculated from

Allowed values: CostType

orderLineFees.costTypeDisplayValue Order line fees cost type display value Enum

The Dutch display value of the cost type

Allowed values: CostType

orderLineAccountFees Order line account fees Array

Order line fees for accounts

orderLineAccountFees.sequenceNumber Order line account fees sequence number Integer Sequence number of the account order fees
orderLineAccountFees.orderNumber Order line account fees order number Integer Order number for which the account fee is calculated
orderLineAccountFees.feeAmount Order line account fees fee amount Decimal The amount of account fee
orderLineAccountFees.feePercentage Order line account fees fee percentage Decimal The account fee percentage
orderLineAccountFees.feeStatus Order line account fees fee status Enum

The account fee status

Allowed values: CostType

orderLineAccountFees.feeStatusDisplayValue Order line account fees fee status display value Enum

The Dutch display value of the account fee status

Allowed values: CostType

orderLineAccountFees.costType Order line account fees cost type Enum

The cost type where the account fee is calculated from

Allowed values: CostType

orderLineAccountFees.costTypeDisplayValue Order line account fees cost type display value Enum

The Dutch display value of the cost type

Allowed values: CostType

teamLeaderName Team leader name String Name of the teamleader
teamLeaderEmailAddress Team leader e-mail address String E-mail address of the teamleader
teamLeaderPhoneNumber Team leader phone number String Phone number of the teamleader
teamLeaderCostCentre Team leader cost centre String Cost centre of the teamleader
teamLeaderDepartment Team leader department String Department of the teamleader
teamLeaderPersonnelNumber Team leader personell number String Personell number of the team leader
isProfessionalCourse Is professional course Boolean Depicting if the course is a professional course
isConsumer Is consumer Boolean Is the order for a consumer
requireAccountApproval Require account approval Boolean If the order requires approval
calculateProviderFee Calculate provider fee Boolean If provider fee needs to be calculated
hasSubsidy Has subsidy Boolean If the product type has subsidy
subsidy Subsidy Enum

Subsidy if applicable

Allowed values: Subsidy

subsidyDisplayValue Subsidy display value Enum

Display value of the subsidy

Allowed values: Subsidy

isVatExempt Is VAT exempt Boolean Whether the order is VAT exempt
promotionalCode Promotional code String Promotional code if present
customAttributes Custom Attributes Object Custom attributes on the order
customAttributes.firstChoiceStartMomentId First choice startmoment id Guid ID of the first startmoment provided on order creation
customAttributes.secondChoiceStartMomentId Second choice startmoment id Guid ID of the second startmoment provided on order creation
totalWithoutVAT Order total without VAT Decimal Total without VAT
installmentsInterval Installments interval String Order installments interval
installmentsIntervalDisplayValue Installments interval display value String The display value of the order installments interval
installmentsQuantity Installments quantity Integer Order installments quantity
errors Errors Object The errors on the order
errors.creationDate Error creation date String The error creation date
errors.message Error message String The error message
errors.source Error source String The error source
errors.objectReference Error object reference String The error object reference
dateCreated Order date created date time (ISO_8601) Date when order was created
dateModified Order date modified date time (ISO_8601) Date when order was last modified