customer Customer Object Details of the customer
customer.address Customer address Object Address of the customer Customer address city String City
customer.address.countryCode Customer address country code String Country code
customer.address.houseNumber Customer address house number Integer House number 
customer.address.houseNumberAdditive Customer address house number additive String House number additive
customer.address.postalCode Customer address postal code String Postal code
customer.address.street Customer Address Street String Street name
customer.birthCity Customer birth city String Birth city
customer.birthDate Customer birth date String Birth date
customer.birthCountryCode Customer birth country code String The birth country code of the customer Customer company String Company of the customer
customer.department Customer department String Department of the customer Customer e-mail String E-mail of the customer
customer.firstName Customer First name String First name of the customer
customer.gender Customer gender Enum Gender of the customer
customer.genderDisplayValue Customer gender display value Enum The display value of the customer's gender
customer.initials Customer initials String Initals of the customer
customer.surname Customer Surname String  Surname of the customer
customer.middleName Customer Middle name String Middle name of the customer
customer.phoneNumber Customer phone number String Phone number of the customer