billTo Bill To Object Details of where the bill has to go to
billTo.address Bill to address Object Address for the bill to Bill to address city String City
billTo.address.countryCode Bill to address country code String Country code
billTo.address.houseNumber Bill to address house number Integer House number 
billTo.address.houseNumberAdditive Bill to address house number additive String House number additive
billTo.address.postalCode Bill to address postal code String Postal code
billTo.address.street Bill to address Street String Street name Bill to company String Company
billTo.department Bill to department String Department Bill to e-mail String E-mail adress
billTo.firstName Bill to first name String First name 
billTo.gender Bill to gender Enum Gender of the billable person (if any)
billTo.genderDisplayValue Bill to gender display value Enum Display value of the gender of the billable person (if any)
billTo.surname Bill to surname String Surname 
billTo.middleName Bill to middle name String Middle name 
billTo.organisationalUnit Bill to organizational unit String Organizational unit the bill has to go to 
billTo.phoneNumber Bill to phone number String Phone number